Changing lives, one dog at a time.

Video, without soundtrack, which demonstrates the different programs of Mira.

  • Guide Dogs

    Our dogs help people with a complete or partial visual impairment, a visual and hearing impairment or a visual and mobility impairment.

  • Service dogs for children with ASD

    In 2003, after years of in-depth research, Mira launched its program to support children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and their families. These children can receive services from dogs that are specially trained to help them.

  • Mobility service dogs

    Service dogs give individuals with mobility impairments a greater autonomy. They help people with a physical disability by pulling their wheelchairs.

This Labrador puppy is called Max and he is 3 months old.

Story of a Mira Dog

As of 9 weeks old until retirement, Mira dogs play a critical role in their owners’ lives. A number of steps lead up to the development of this extraordinary connection.

Discover the whole story


The average cost of a Mira dog throughout its life. Why?

Help us by recycling your cartridges!

Did you know you can help Mira by giving them your empty cartridges?

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Featured event



people currently benefit from the help of a Mira dog.

Host Families


host families generously take care of our puppies

PowerDog Mira

CrossFit competition organized to raise funds for the Mira Foundation.


  • International Guide Dog Federation

    The International Guide Dog Federation is responsible for the development, monitoring and evaluation of the standards practiced by its members. Its principal mission is to ensure the equity of high-quality service for guide dog users and managers across the world. Mira is a certified member of this organization.

  • Assistance Dogs International

    Assistance Dogs International, Inc. (ADI) is a global coalition of non-profit programs that train and place assistance dogs, dedicated to the highest standards of excellence in the industry. Their standards have become the benchmark for measuring excellence in the field. Mira is a certified member of this organization.

  • Ministère de l’Agriculture, Pêcheries, Alimentation du Québec

    Mira holds a Class 2 permit for owners or custodians of cats or dogs. We acquired this permit under the Regulation respecting the safety and welfare of cats and dogs, which came into effect on November 7, 2013.

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