Protecting the trust and privacy of our employees, beneficiaries, members and donors is of the highest importance to the Mira Foundation. As such, the Foundation applies strict confidentiality standards to any personal information provided by its stakeholders. This information is managed at all times with the utmost care and responsibility. Transparency of the processes and responsibilities in this area assures the highest level of accountability.
Personal information
Mira collects and uses personal information in order to pursue its activities. All personal information collected is treated as confidential. This includes any information that can be used to identify and contact individuals for the purpose of Mira’s activities. Mira does not sell or exchange its mailing lists.
Mira also maintains records of annual donation amounts and the related receipt numbers as required by the Canada Customs and Revenue Agency for auditing purposes.
Handling of confidential information
Mira personnel are authorized to access and use this private information solely for the purposes for which it was collected. Protective measures have been implemented to safeguard the privacy of such information and ensure that it not be divulged for purposes other than as originally intended. Measures have also been enacted in order to protect the information against potential loss or destruction.
Mira collects, uses and divulges this information strictly for purposes and in circumstances deemed reasonably appropriate in the pursuit of its activities.
Confidential policy for beneficiary information
Mira does everything it can to preserve the confidentiality of the information it collects on its beneficiaries. Our beneficiaries are aware that Mira only collects information necessary to its activities and only with their consent. Furthermore, Mira only divulges such information after having informed the individuals concerned and after having obtained their authorization. For example, information regarding beneficiaries participating in efforts to raise public awareness, such the production of a video or publication, is used only if prior authorization has been obtained.
Web site and e-commerce
The Mira Foundation collects personal information via its web site for specific purposes, which are always described. For example, if you make a donation, we will require your name and address in order to send you a tax receipt. You can rest assured that this information, including your e-mail address, is collected solely for the purpose of answering your requests.
Mira uses password protocols and cryptographic software to protect information, personal or other, that is sent to us when donation payments are made via the internet. Our software is regularly upgraded in order to maximize the security of such information.
Contact information
If you have any comments or questions regarding our confidentiality policy, please contact Mira via e-mail at: protectionrp@mira.ca.
For more information on the protection of personal information, please consult the following web site: www.privcom.gc.ca (Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada).