Hamster's 3rd annual golf tournament : a great success!
Location: Club de golf la Vallée du RichelieuHamster hosted its 3rd Annual Golf Tournament on June 18, 2019, at the Club Vallée du Richelieu. Once again, more than 175 partners, suppliers, customers and volunteers answered the call.
"The tournament's objective is to offer a maximum financial assistance to two foundations that are particularly important to us: Maman Dion Foundation and Mira Foundation" explained Mr. Denis Mathieu, President and CEO of Novexco.
Thanks to Newell Brands and Acco Brands, both premium sponsors of this tournament, Hamster is proud to announce that a grand total of $114 000 will be added to the $197 000 collected in the past two years. These amounts are distributed equally between both foundations.